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UltraFind Text Indexer is an addition (plug-in module) which enables UltraFind to pre-index your documents, making text searches almost instant. If you frequently have to search through large amounts of text then you should pre-index your documents so that rather than searching through files on your disks UltraFind can simply search its index.
Unlike indexers which can only index your whole hard disk, the UF Indexer is designed to index a target set of folders (NOT your whole hard disk). A folder Set can include folders on your machine or any network machine, and even on offline volumes such as CD-ROMs or SyQuests (so you don't need the files online to run text searches on them!).
Also unlike any other indexer, it does not produce false hits, and can search on parts of words as well as whole words. It is also incremental and will therefore only re-index changed or new files, making re-indexing simple and fast.
-- Highly accurate (no false hits!)
-- Incremental Indexing
-- Allows whole or partial word searches
-- Can index documents on CD-ROM, SyQuest, Opticals, Jazz, etc.
-- Indexes all languages (script system compatible)
-- Can run in the background
-- Requires UltraFind version 2.5 or greater
-- 4MB RAM minimum (indexing is memory intensive, the more RAM the better and faster it will perform)
-- Requires a color Macintosh (68000 B&W machines not supported)
The Text Indexer Addition must be placed in the UltraFind folder (located in the Preferences folder, in your System folder). UltraFind automatically loads any Additions it finds in it's folder and places them into it's 'Additions' menu. (Tip: If you double-click any UltraFind Addition module, UltraFind will put it in the correct folder for you, and load it into it's menu.)
Supplied with the Indexer Addition module is a plain text file (Simpletext) containing standard English Stop Words. To use the Stop Words file, it must be located in the UltraFind folder, in your Preferences folder. Stop Words are words such as "the, they, them, house," etc., which are too ordinary and general to be indexed. The Stop Words file therefore helps to keep the size of the index file smaller by not indexing these words. You can add words to the Stop Words file using any Word Processor (or Simpletext). You can create a localised Stop Words file in any language (including Japanese) however the file must be called "Stop Words" for the Indexer to recognise it.
Technical Support is available to Registered UltraFind users. Email us at making sure you quote your customer number in all communications.
Free for Registered UltraFind Users
For full information on this software see UltraFind's Online HELP manual (UltraFind File menu) or the UltraFind Web Site at: